【ASE高级软件工程】第二次结对作业Code Search论文阅读笔记


  • we propose a novel deep neural network named CODEnn(Code-Description Embedding Neural Network).

  • CODEnn jointly embeds code snippets and natural language descriptions into a high-dimensional vector space.

  • we implement a code search tool named DeepCS.


Other Approaches:

  • information retrieval(IR)techniques.

  • problem: mismatch between the high-level intent reflected in the natural language queries and low-level implementation details in the source code.

Our Method:

  • CODEnn jointly embeds code snippets and natural language descriptions into a high-dimensional vector space

  • DeepCS trains the CODEnn model on a corpus of 18.2 million Java code snippets(in the form of commented methods)from GitHub.

  • DeepCS reads code snippets from a codebase and embeds them into vectors using the trained CODEnn.

  • when a user query arrives, DeepCS fnds code snippets that have the nearest vectors to the query vector and return them.


  • we perform code search on a search codebase using 50 real-world queries obtained from Stack Overflow.


Embedding: a technique for learning vector representations of entities.

Word Embedding: It represents words as fixed-length vectors so that similar words are close
to each other in the vector space.

Sequence Embedding: Use RNN. The embedding vector of the sentence is summarized from the hidden states $h_1, …, h_T$(select the last state or use maxpooling).

Joint Embedding: a technique to jointly embed/correlate heterogeneous data into a unifed vector space so that semantically similar concepts across the two modalities occupy nearby regions of the space.
\cal{X}\xrightarrow{\phi}\it{V}_\cal{X}\rightarrow \it{J}(\it{V}_\cal{X},\it{V}_\cal{Y})\leftarrow \it{V}_\cal{Y} \xleftarrow{\psi}\cal{Y}
An example of joint embedding

The structrue of CODEnn


  • Code Embedding Network: It embeds source code into vectors.(Three parts: the method name, the API invocation sequence, and the tokens contained in the source code)

  • Description Embedding Network: It embeds natural language descriptions into

  • Similarity Module: cosine similarity.


  • Training Instance: $\langle C, D+, D-\rangle$. D+ is a postitive description of code snippet C. D- is a negtive description of C(chosen randomly).

  • Loss: $\cal{L}(\theta) = \sum\limits_{\langle C, D+, D-\rangle \in P} max(0, \epsilon - cos(\mathbf{c}, \mathbf{d+})+cos(\mathbf{c}, \mathbf{d-})) $


An example of extracting code elements

We build the training tuples using Java methods that have documentation comments from open-source projects on GitHub.

Training and Searching:

The overall workflow of DeepCS


Search Codebase:

Search codebase is different from the training corpus. They are considered in isolation and contain all code(including those do not have Javadoc comments).

Performance Measure:

  • FRank: the rank of the first hit result in the result list.
  • SuccessRate@k: percentage of queries for which more than one correct
    result could exist in the top k ranked results($\frac{1}{|Q|}\sum\limits_{q=1}^{|Q|} \delta(FRank_q \leq k)$).
  • Precision@k: percentage of relevant results in the top k returned results for each query.
  • MRR:the average of the reciprocal ranks of results of a set of queries($\frac{1}{|Q|}\sum\limits_{q=1}^{|Q|} \frac{1}{FRank_q}$).


The statistical comparison

The symbol ‘+’ indicates the average value.

Overall Accuracy



  • It has the ability to recognize query semantics (e.g., queue an event to be run on the thread*​ and *run an event on a thread queue)
  • Its search results are less affected by irrevant or noisy keyword (e.g., get the content
    of an input stream as a string using a specified character encoding
  • it not only seeks snippets with matched keywords but also recommends those without matched keywords but are semantically related.

Why does DeepCS Work?

  • A unifed representation of heterogeneous data.
  • Better query understanding through deep learning.
  • Clustering snippets by natural language semantics.


It sometimes ranks partially relevant results higher than the exact matching ones. This
is because DeepCS ranks results by just considering their semantic vectors.